Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Website Design

Here a try by me ...

Google's Penalty Content

You heard of it right. Here some quick useful info about google's penalty content:

1. There is a Duplicate Content Penalty.

2. Google will only apply the Duplicate Content Penalty if they have reason to believe that attempts have been made to use Duplicate Content to manipulate search engine results.

3. When Google imposes the Duplicate Content Penalty, the entire site may be removed from the search results. In other words, the entire site will be deindexed.

4. Google will not apply the Duplicate Content penalty just because the same content appears on more than one web page or web site.

5. There are other unnamed penalties (lighter penalties, I would assume) for having certain activities such as scraping content from other sites, or republishing content from other websites without adding any value.

6. For this reason, Google discourages creating multiple pages, subdomains or domains with substantially Duplicate Content.

7. If you have affiliate websites and republish content from the vendor, Google encourages you to add additional content and value. Do not use a cookie cutter approach.

8. There is also a Duplicate Content Filter.

9. The Duplicate Content Filter is applied when multiple web pages contain identical (duplicate) content.

10. When the Duplicate Content Filter is applied some pages will not appear in the main results. These pages are relegated to the supplemental results.

11. As was demonstrated in Part 1, not all pages with duplicate content suffer from the Duplicate Content Filter.

12. My suspicion is that the Duplicate Content Filter could actually be the unnamed penalties that I mentioned in 5 (above) and talked about by Google in the Webmaster Guidelines.

13. This would mean that if a website falls foul of 5, 6 or 7 it is likely to suffer from the Duplicate Content Filter.

14. A web page that suffers the Duplicate Content Filter for one search term will not necessarily suffer the Duplicate Content Filter for a different search term.

Note: search and writen by Rebelleon

Traffic Using Ezinearticle - My Opinion

A lot of marketers use ezinearticle for their traffic source. Ezinearticle have the power to help you gain traffic via their high PR. Years back, ezinearticle was a site that people can use to publish their article easily in a hope for traffic. Its so easy to join them, an approval of article also easy. Now, since they are growing, there have been so rules and regulation to follow. So if you decide to make ezinearticle your main source of traffic then you have to ensure you pick the right way of doing it. Let me share with you 2 type of ways you can follow:

1. Using your article publish at ezinearticle to gain traffic.

If you pick this way, then you have to ensure you produce high quality article related to your keyword. Dont scrape article, hire someone to do it if you cannot. Ensure the title can get reader attention (something catchy), your main body content mention problem and unfinish solution to your keyword and your sig tell the readers that your have the full solution at your website.

2. Using article publish at ezinearticle to gain backlink, thus using your site for traffic.

If you pick this way then you do not need to write related to your keyword. You can wrote any article that interest you. This one easy!. Put your site link at your sig. The idea is to have our site link from ezinearticle, thus improve our ranking in Serps.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Simple SOC (Strengh Of Competition)

Ranking high in Google is essential. At least in the 1st Page of Google for your keyword. Thats why when making money online SOC is important. If the SOC is high then you will have trouble to get your site rank. Here a tips for you to check your SOC in a simple way:

1. Let say your keyword is call scheduling software go to google and put in your keyword like this:

The result at the bottom show how many competitors that you need to beat hard. A keyword with 500 - 800 hard to beat competitors is a profit keyword.

Give your comments ...

Dancing Google

This is interesting....

Have you ever wanted to make the images that appear when you search for something on Google Images, dance within your computer screen. To perform the trick, follow the steps:

Step 1: Point your browser to Google Images.

Step 2: Search for a term for which you want to see the images, like you usually do. For example search for “michael jackson”.

Step 3: After you get the page with the search results, fully loaded, put this on the address bar of your browser-
“javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI= document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i
without the quotes.

Step 4: Now see what happens, you will be completely amazed. Trick you friends with this great trick too.

What do you think?

Useful Site to Check Forged PR of a Website

Its always good if you can buy existing domain with PR2-4. It will help in your ranking thus in traffic. When dealing for this kind of domain, you must be very careful not to be cheat by the high PR screenshot. Sometimes there are cheap ($15) with high PR. So, if you dont want to be cheat, get the site to be check at Check Page Rank

Note: Please dont ask me how they can forge PR of a website :)

Finding Profitable Niche For You

This is difficult for someone newbs. So here i will share some site for you to find niche that you can profit from.

1.The Shopping.com Consumer Demand Index (CDI) - makes it easy for you to put your finger on the pulse of consumer demand. With millions of shopping searches conducted each week, the CDI reveals emerging trends and hidden gems while highlighting the hottest products.

2. Ebay Pulse – What’s hot and most searched. Drill down DEEP by category to find sub-niches

I will continue with other site in the next post. So try it and tell me what you think.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Choosing Your Perfect Domain Name

here comes the second part after we had discuss about the basic SEO. How to choose your domain name. Please take note that before you can get your domain please make keyword research using your preferable tools. I will cover about keyword research in the next post.

Back to our discussion. Choosing your domain name is very important. Its part of SEO too. Here what to do when you buy a domain.

1. Buy domain with your keyword. Example www.yourkeyword.com

2. Find .com domain instead of others. other domain such as .org also ok.

3. If you cannot find your prefered domain (had been taken) add something at the end of your keyword (no infront). Example www.yourkewordreview.com. You can also use the words and, by which ignore by the search engines.

Make Your Firefox Extreme Fast

Here is another firefox tips, how you can double your firefox browser performance.

1. Enable pipelining

Just enter about:config in the address bar, double-click network.http.pipelining and network.http.proxy.pipelining so their values are set to true, then double-click network.http.pipelining.maxrequests and set this to 8.

2. Faster loading

Just enter about:config and press [Enter], right-click in the window and select New > Integer. Type content.switch.threshold, click OK, enter 250000 (a quarter of a second) and click OK to finish.

3. Enable TraceMonkey

Go to(ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/nightly/latest-trunk/) and install the latest version, launch it, type about:config in the address bar and press Enter. Type JIT in the filter box, then double-click javascript.options.jit.chrome and javascript.options.jit.content to change their values to true, and that’s it – you’re running the fastest Firefox Javascript engine ever.

Firefox Earning?

Mozilla, the company behind Firefox, was started as a non-profit organisation. But now it is earning around $40,000,000 per year. How is this possible?

i know above quote will interest you.

Check it out here: firefox Earning Secret

The Basic Of SEO (Your 1st Guide To Making Money Online)

Since this blog will discuss on how people can make money online, the first step for your knowledge is the basic of SEO.

Yes you need to know it in order to have the idea of how people making money online. After this lesson i will discuss with you how from thsi knowledge you can manage yourself to starting bulding your money empire online.

So cut all the crap and lets starts! :)

1. Meta Tags

Very important although many web master ignore it. Find a decent page on the internet and open its source via drop-down panel (right click on the page). New window will open up and you will see the whole code. Now the thing we are after is at the most top of the page. Look at the picture below and you will get what I am talking about right away.

Two things we want to focus on are meta name="”description” and meta name="”keywords”. Description is something that will appear in the description box Serps.