Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Basic Of SEO (Your 1st Guide To Making Money Online)

Since this blog will discuss on how people can make money online, the first step for your knowledge is the basic of SEO.

Yes you need to know it in order to have the idea of how people making money online. After this lesson i will discuss with you how from thsi knowledge you can manage yourself to starting bulding your money empire online.

So cut all the crap and lets starts! :)

1. Meta Tags

Very important although many web master ignore it. Find a decent page on the internet and open its source via drop-down panel (right click on the page). New window will open up and you will see the whole code. Now the thing we are after is at the most top of the page. Look at the picture below and you will get what I am talking about right away.

Two things we want to focus on are meta name="”description” and meta name="”keywords”. Description is something that will appear in the description box Serps.

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